Spiritual Woo

Ep. 21 Always Learing with Natalie BlueRaven

Ashley Michelle Season 1 Episode 21

Welcome to today's show.  We have the lovely Miss Natalie BlueRaven back in house for her second time. And she's on the pod today to share some insight and wisdom and some lessons learned, life skills, all these wonderful things.
 Today we get into just a bunch of stuff. We talk about the qualities of yin and yang and the shift in towards the holiday season and the end of the year. And we go into a little bit about my love for Christmas and her love for Halloween and not Christmas.
 We talk about some deeper things, depression and death. And this is an all around interesting conversation, I think. And I always love chatting with Natalie BlueRaven. She just really inspires me and has a lot of insight to offer. So if you're ready to listen, then let's go!

Mentioned on today's episode:

Events  at The Yoga Dome

Unknown: Cave of Bones

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